The next
of Storytellers
Monologue Digital creates high-end bespoke book trailers for authors and publishers, especially focused on the thriller genre.

We believe in the power of stories to create connection with your audience. Telling them more before selling. For this we craft entertaining trailers with our signature trailer format: an animated book cover.

After tinkering up an interactive and dynamic opening we take the viewer deeper into the book and it's synopsis. We feature testimonials from critics & reviewers, or from well-known authors to let viewers know what others say. After that we wrap up with the cover to create an infinite loop.

These trailers have an editorial quality instead of a 'hard sell' and include easter eggs for fans, making them fun to watch for both fans and new readers.

All trailers are optimised for the formats needed on social media platforms. All platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Threads, TikTok, YouTube, X need their own aspect ratios. We create the suitable format for an immersive experience with your book. By wrapping up with a call-to-action (CTA) that suits your book cover we drive leads to convert into sales & conclude the experience.

Crafted with passion in The Netherlands